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Healthy and High Nutritious Vegetables Around Us

Foods that are healthy and nutritious high intake is much needed by the human body both in age from toddlers to seniors.

Healthy food doesn't have to be expensive or that strange, the fact there are alsohealthy food that is very easy to get around us.

Some foods are types of grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Healthy and High Nutritious Vegetables Around Us

If you don't know what healthy food that turned out to be easily found around us, these are the types of food:


Apple is a fruit which can grow well in tropical or sub-tropical.

The fruit of this one had a distinctive sour taste sweet. Usually this fruit comes from the Highlands and the area is cool with shades of green, yellow or red is rathergreen.

Apples contain vitamin C, quecertin and plavanoid that could prevent cancer.


Spinach is a vegetable that is very easily found around us. In addition to easy cultivation occurring of processing food is also very easy.

That is why we often find these foods processed in different parts of the world.

Spinach has a nutrient content that many among them are iron, magnesium also vitamins A and c. So the spinach is excellent for hair and skin nutrition as well as the eyes.

Red Bean

Red bean or the Javanese usually call it peanut tolo is healthy foods that are also easily found around us.

Basically the beans have fiber, protein, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, including vitamins and minerals.

Red bean including fresh is easy to be healthy food, usually a nut this one mixed into a salad or soup. He was also included in the food that makes youthful.

The wheat

Wheat is a plant similar grains like rice plant. Wheat is usually processed as bread,cereal or as kukis.

Wheat is very rich with vitamin B3, vitamin B1, thiamin, iron, fiber and vitamin E as well.

In addition to substitute rice, processed wheat is also very good for a diet in the form of food cereals.


The benefits of tomatoes do indeed seem already familiar to everyone that is in all corners of the world.

Tomatoes certainly have a sense of the typical keasaaman, and quite delicious formerged material to accompany the meal (so that it becomes a delicious healthy food), so it's been no wonder again if tomatoes often used the community as one ofthe herbs in cooking.

Not only delicious when used be seasoning, but the content of the nutrients that are in dalamnyajuga can provide good benefits for health.

Not only that, tomatoes also contain a lot of vitamin tablets, such as vitamins A, C, K, folate, potassiumand sodium.


For you lovers of fish has certainly been familiar with this one. Salmon is one of the most widely consumed fish in the whole world because of its nutrition value content that a lot as well as the texture of the meat was good.

But unfortunately in Indonesia itself not much consume salmon, when in fact in Indonesia waters of salmon are very abundant. This is because of the lack of exploitation thus causing salmon circulation in our country are not evenly distributed.

Nutrient content as well as the benefits of salmon very much, if we membahasanyain detail may be so few articles. So not too long discussion this time, we review nutrient content and benefits of salmon in brief only.

Nutrient content found in the salmon consists of omega 3, amino acids, vitamins A, B, D, E, B6high levels of protein, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and many more.

While the benefits of some nutrient content that we will review another article on Yes. If you're curious often stop by aja-often one hour, in order to be always up date interesting info from us.

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Healthy and High Nutritious Vegetables Around Us Healthy and High Nutritious Vegetables Around Us Reviewed by Mahasiswa Premium on June 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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