Eat heart-healthy foods provides many benefits, such as cholesterol, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and weight are all for the better.
Surprise: Packed in this way can also be tasted delicious! Many diets that have too many rules about what You should not eat. But, it is better to focus on what you eat.
Check out some tips from us.
Eat more fish
Fish is a great source of protein and other nutrients. Some fish, such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel also gives you the omega-3 fatty acids, that might reduce the risk You are exposed to heart attack and stroke. The American Heart Association recommends that you set the fish rich in omega-3.
Eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains
The food plants are very useful to fight heart disease. You get your nutrients, fiber,and many variations that You can cook in many ways.
Avoid artificial trans fat
This type of fat increase cholesterol levels ' evil ' (LDL). Trans fat-containing foods including baked goods, snack foods (such as popcorn cooked in the microwave), frozen pizza, fast food, mentaga rods, coffee creamer, frozen dough-based foods(such as biscuits or cinnamon roll), and frozen ready-made food. Even though thelabel says ' contains 0 grams trans fat ' they still contain little lemat trans; so try check list of compositions in the food packaging and see if there is a material called "partially hydrogenated oils." It is the trans fat.
Limit the saturated fat content of not more than 7% to 10% of calories
Check Your food labels to see how much saturated fat contained in one serving of butter, margarine, sauces for salads, fried foods, snacks, sweets, and pastries.
When using the extra fat, be sure to always use monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats
For example, the fats found in canola oil, olive oil, and peanut oil). We must limit the services, even if it is a ' good ' fat, due to the still high in calories.
Eat a variety of foods that contain protein
Food made of fish, pieces of meat without fat, poultry (without skin), processed milk low fat or no fat, grains, nuts, tofu, and legumes.
Limit cholesterol
Do not consume more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day to your diet.
Limit the use of salt
This will help you control your blood pressure. Most people are consuming excesssodium and salt, and most come from food packaging.
Enjoy all the food
If you enjoy what you eat, including healthy food, it would be easier to repeat it again until it becomes a habit.
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Diet Tips for a healthy heart
Reviewed by Mahasiswa Premium
June 04, 2017
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